I'd Rather be Reading by Anne Bogel

The Delights and Dilemmas of the Reading Life
This was a pretty gift-sized book, meaning it's smaller than your average book, filled with fun little chapters about books and reading. In many ways, I would almost call it a collection of essays, because I feel like you could pretty much pick up any chapter and read it as a stand-alone. Now maybe if I tried that, I would disagree with myself, but that is my opinion at this point.
The chapters are short and can easily be read in just a few minutes. There is a chapter dedicated to how to decorate your bookshelves, a chapter to quotes from the acknowledgements section of books, section Anne encourages you never to miss reading, and there's a chapter on the ways your reading style changes over time.
One of the most interesting and intriguing ideas Anne mentioned was having a library history, a way to go back and see all the books you ever borrowed from the library. I find that a fascinating idea. She does encourage everyone to keep some sort of record of the books you have read. It doesn't have to be anything fancy, just a way to be able to look back and remember. One lady she knew took pictures of the books she read and then bound them into a book. I loved that idea, though I doubt that will ever happen. Chatbooks would be a great way to do that though. I have actually kept records of the books I've read over the last five or so years, I think, at least if I still have the book. Now I keep track on Goodreads and have recently started a book journal as well for the books I read on paper.
I just loved this book and it has challenged me to broaden my reading. I love to read, but tend to stick with the same types of books. Now this book, along with a couple other books I've read recently, challenge me to go explore the classics, to branch out and try some books I would ordinarily stay away from. It's on my to process list for goals for 2019.
One quote from the book: "If my real life reminds me of something I read in a book, I'm reading well - and I'm probably living well too." It's an interesting thought.
I received this book from Baker Books and was not required to write a positive review.
For more information on Anne and to see the books she recommends go to Modern Mrs Darcy.
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