This is the Day by Tim Tebow

Reclaim Your Dream. Ignite Your Passion.
Live Your Purpose.
I am intrigued by this man, Tim Tebow. He seems unlike most athletes out there. Okay, now granted, I don't read about most athletes out there, so this is a completely unqualified comment and may not have any truth in it. But he still intrigues me.
He is a relatively famous man and yet still seems so down to earth, so willing to converse with everybody and anybody and so committed to doing what he believes God wants him to do. He is committed to following his dreams and pursuing his passions, which is why he is playing baseball in the minor leagues right now. It's not for the money, it's because it's something he wanted to try and so he did.
The theme of this book is to make the most of every moment. This is your day, make it count. Do something with it. Live it fully. He has written 12 chapters that showcase 12 areas where we need to make the day count. In relationships, say "I Love You" before it's forever too late. Get in the game or pursue a passion or a dream you have. Listen to the right voice, don't let the naysayers drag you down; listen to God. His is the most important voice you will ever hear. And so on for the full 12 chapters. At the end of each chapter, he has a small section called, "Make this Your Day" where he encourages the reader to step out and he asks some questions to make you stop and think and consider how you could apply that chapter to your life.
"God gives us today as a gift...If we don't attack each day with this intentionality, it's almost like telling God, 'Thanks bu not thanks.'"
"God can do something significant in whatever your hands find to do."
"Human feelings won't always allow us to have grace, love or mercy for another human being who may, in or own eyes, deserve it. But viewing others through a God lens will."
The book is an easy read, but also thought-provoking. I recommend it.
I received this book from Waterbrook Multnomah and was not required to write a positive review.
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