Quit Church by Chris Sonksen

Because your life would be better if you did
So this isn't really a title you would expect to find on a Christian bookshelf, is it? Quit church? Huh? You mean like don't go anymore? No that is not at all what this book means. If I'm completely honest, I'm not entirely sure what the whole "quit church" means, but I definitely get the pieces of our life we should quit. And I think the big meaning is to not just show up at church on Sunday morning, consider your duty done and then check out. Chris wants you to be fully engaged, to consider yourself an owner of the church. Owners take much more responsibility for their business than an employee does.
A few things we should quit:
Quit Expecting to Wake up in Heaven. In other words, life isn't perfect, church isn't perfect, so get over it and make it the best you can. Be loyal
Quit Giving Your Money Away. What? Well, think about it, that money isn't yours to begin with, so start thinking of it as God's money and start giving God's money away. Tithing is highly stressed in this chapter. And really, how many people have you seen give and give and give and not get rewarded?
Quit helping out. Your service is expected, don't think of it like helping out as a guest. You thank a guest, your own home chores are expected and that is how it should work in the church.
I'll stop there. I'm butchering the ideas too much in these little sound bytes or blog bytes. But there was some good food for thought. These chapters ended with ways that you win and ways that God wins when we are willing to quit our preconceived notions or ideas and go with doing life God's way.
One quote from him yet: "The Lord expresses his desire for us to be a "tribe", to believe in each other, love each other, care for each other, and connect with each other."
I really enjoyed this book and was challenged to change my mindset. I received this book from Baker Books and was not required to write a positive review.
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