The Most Beautiful Thing I've Seen by Lisa Gungor

Opening Your Eyes to Wonder
This is the memoir of Lisa Gungor, part of the music collective known as Gungor. It gives snapshots of her life and how it shaped who she is today. The tale is told in somewhat chronological order, but there are also hops back and forth between her childhood and adult life as well.
Quite frankly, this book was very disappointing. Maybe not so much in the content as in the fact that it is advertised as a Christian life, spiritual growth book. I failed to see it. Some of the problem I think is the fact that I think a lot of effort was made to write creatively, which I wholly applaud. I would love to be able to do the same thing, to use my words to create word pictures in the reader's mind. However, I felt that sometimes the creative words kind of muddled the image for me and so I was left a little unsure of what was being said.
Lisa and her husband Michael start a church, then Michael decides he doesn't really believe in God anymore and Lisa hasn't read her Bible in months, but I think they continued to at least attend church if not lead the church. It just made no sense. They were eventually asked to leave and then moved on to LA where they currently live. But it just confused me. I kept waiting for them to return to Jesus and really search for Him, but the book never mentions where Michael is at in his belief in Jesus and Lisa starts addressing God as Divine Mother.
I don't want to discredit Lisa's journey, (perhaps if I knew her personally, it would make more sense) but it just doesn't seem very Christian to me. And yes, I know there would be many people who would classify me as a traditionalist and stuffy and close-minded. That is not how I want to be, I think there is room at the foot of the cross for every single person in the world and there is absolutely no reason not to love every single person in the world, as hard as that can be at times. But I also think that not every single person will be accepted into heaven just because we loved them. The Bible gives directions on how to live life and we need to follow them and obey Him to gain access. And I didn't see that coming through this book at all.
I received this book from Book Look Bloggers and was not required to write a positive review.
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