The Baker Compact Dictionary of Biblical Studies

By Tremper Longman III and Mark L Strauss
Compact, think a small paperback size with 209 pages. So obviously, this is not going to encompass all the words and their meanings that are in the Bible or related to Biblical studies. Tremper and Mark developed the book primarily to help beginning students in an academic setting. They also hope that it can help others as well, particularly pastors and regular people like me who want to read and benefit from "biblical scholarship". I'm not entirely sure what that means, biblical scholarship, but to mean it means those people who want to know more about the Bible and need a definition of some of the words.
The book is in alphabetical order, just like any other dictionary. It contains definitions from "abomination of desolation" to "Zoroastrianism" and a lot of things in between like "immigration model" "Sinai, Mount", and "carbon dating". I didn't read the book, I'm not the person that sits down to read a dictionary, but I do think it would be most helpful if you are looking for the definition of something biblical. Obviously not everything is going to be in it, but there's a lot of information included. It seems to have a lot of concepts and things related to biblical studies, maybe more than definitions of words in the Bible. It includes famous characters associated with biblical studies, definitions and descriptions of the various translations and codexes and also places that are important.
It will make a handy edition to our study guides that we already have, if we ever need to know the definition of something.
I received this book from Baker Publishing and was not required to write a positive review.
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