Trade Your Cares for Calm by Max Lucado

Feeling Stressed? Overwhelmed? Critical? Guilty? Upset? Restless? Take a moment, pick up this book and read a page or two and I would bet you will find something to calm your heart. Count your blessings, read some Scripture, ponder an inspirational quote, or just look at one of the beautiful pictures scattered throughout the book.
I just quickly read through this book and various quotes and sayings stuck out to me. I am planning to write a few down that I would like to display on my clipboards in the coming year.
There are ten chapters and each chapter is further subdivided into sections. There are very few sections that are more than two pages. There are Bible verses, there are short sections taken from Max's other books, there are strategies for coping with the challenge addressed in the book and always each chapter ends with a journaling section of thought-provoking questions.
Let me share a few things with you that stuck out to me:
Celebrate God's goodness
Ask God for help.
Leave your concerns with him.
Meditate on good things.
"Anxiety decreases as our understanding of the Lord increases."
"God's anxiety therapy includes a large, delightful dollop of gratitude."
Let me also mention that this is a beautiful book to have laying out on your coffee table. This way you will see it and be reminded to stop and read a page or two and be inspired and have something good to chew on through the rest of you day instead of stewing and fretting. Also because of its beauty, (think nice hardcover, gift book size) you can pick up a couple for gifts. Give them to the lady who is struggling with anxiety, the one who is overwhelmed by her lot in life, the one that is constantly fretting over the past, etc. etc.
I received this book from Book Look Bloggers and was not required to write a positive review.
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