The 10 Commandments of Marriage by Ed Young

Practical Principles to Make Your Marriage Great
1. Thou shalt be selfless.
2. Thou shalt have no strings attached.
3. Thou shalt continually communicate.
4. Thou shalt make conflict thy ally.
5. Thou shalt avoid the quicksand of materialism.
6. Thou shalt flee sexual temptation - online or otherwise.
7. Thou shalt forgive thy mate - 490 times and more.
8. Thou shalt romance the home.
9. Thou shalt begin again and again.
10. Thou shalt build a winning team.
So there you have it. This book was full of practical tips for making your marriage work and be great. A few things that stuck out to me and/or convicted me, I can't change my spouse. I can only change me. And the sooner I accept my spouse the way he is, the happier I will be. Expanding on this a bit: if I focus on his negatives, they will increase in size and unforgivability (yes, I think that might be a new word), but I believe that if I focus on his good points, his negatives will shrink and become miniscule.
Along with that is the thing of forgiveness over and over and over again. It doesn't matter what it is, you are called to forgive, big or small. Interestingly enough, I was reading this chapter while I was feeling a little grumpy over the fact that D wasn't home to help me and I was pacing the living room with Logan rather than getting my work done. D had done nothing wrong, but yet I recognized that I needed to let go of this annoyance at him or it was going to eat away at our relationship. So sometimes you may need to forgive even when in reality your spouse has done nothing wrong. I'm not sure if that's forgiveness or what it is.
And again, it was the overall challenge to make time for our marriage. It's a struggle right now. With a two year old who loves, Loves, LOVES to talk and a baby who doesn't like to settle before 10 at night, there's not a lot of time for communicating, but it was important for me to realize again how necessary it is to somehow make time for each other.
While this book doesn't go on my list of the best books of marriage I have read, it has some very good and very practical words of wisdom and I have nothing bad to say about it.
I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for an honest review.
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