When God Made you by Matthew Paul Turner

Illustrated by David Catrow
This is a children's book, for ages 3 to 8. It's a nice hardcover medium-sized book I would say that talks about being special to God. How he planned your culture, your head shape, your toes and your nose. It talks about how you were made in God's image and God loves to see you being you. It talks about God dreaming about you, which I find a little unusual. I have never really thought of God dreaming, but the book is written in rhyme, so sometimes you have to ad lib a bit to make it work, I guess?
For the most part, I would say the writing is playful and charming as the book's description says. Like I said, I'm not sure about God dreaming part, which is mentioned a couple times, but overall I think the moral of the story is that God made you exactly as you are, so go out and live like that.
The illustrations are described as vivid and fantastical. I guess that is one way to put it. I try not to be critical of books, especially illustrations because I can't draw at all, but this book is, in my mind, just not pretty at all. There might be a scene with caricature like people, which is fine, but then there will be just some weird colors and shapes thrown in with it that don't seem to go with the story at all. When I opened the book, that was some of the first things that jumped out at me and I haven't really been able to move beyond that yet in my opinion of the illustrations.
So overall, the book is all right. I will probably keep it, but it's not what I would give as a gift. I like children's book that are a little less "fantastical" I guess.
This book was given me by Blogging For Books. I was not required to write a positive review.
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