Cries from the Cross by Erwin Lutzer

This is a good book. It's small, it doesn't take long to read and it gave me a different perspective to the sayings of Jesus on the cross.
Erwin takes the seven sayings of Jesus and calls them:
A Cry for Pardon
A Cry of Assurance
A Cry of Compassion
A Cry of Anguish
A Cry of Suffering
A Cry of Victory
A Cry of Submission
In a sense, we were there at the cross, because it was for my sins and your sins that Jesus had to die, that He had to take on the anguish of suffering so we could live forever with Him, so we could be forgiven.
A lot of times when I read books like this, I have a few quotes that I give on my review. I don't have that today. Erwin's writing is simple and easy to understand, yet it holds some good truths that are meant to be held on to. He also quotes from songs that were familiar to me, which I really liked. One of them was the song, "And Can it Be?" Think about these words as it relates to Jesus' sayings on the cross, of his cry to the Father of why was He forsaken, His cry of anguish.
"And can it be that I should gain
An interest in the Saviour's blood?
Died He for me, who caused His pain?
For me, who Him to death pursued?
Amazing love! how can it be
That Thou, my God, shouldst die for me?"
Amazing, God loved me so much He was willing to allow my sin to pursue Him to death and immeasurable pain so I could go free. What amazing love.
I enjoyed this book and am planning to read a few more of Erwin Lutzer's books. I was given this book by Moody Publishers and am not required to write a positive review.
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