Some projects

So I like to sew quilts and had a goal for 2016 to sew one a month. In April, I was already a month behind and got this crazy idea to sew four log cabins at once, thinking that I could iron when Amber was sleeping and it would be more efficient. It turns out ironing was easier to do while she was awake than sewing and while it scared me a little to do it (my hand kept a pretty strong grasp on the iron handle), it worked and I know am caught up on my quilt a month and I think I might be one ahead even. It's a shame if you can't remember if you sewed one or two quilts already. I think I will say I am caught up until the end of June. I have 4 more here to finish, 

And in the middle, we celebrated 8 years since our first date. I thought we should celebrate and in the midst of quilts and calorie counting, we should go out for pie!!!  There is no place to get a good piece of pie in Hayward after 7 in the evening!! 7, I mean who closes before 7? Yes, Norske Nook, the place of the really good pies. So we settled for Perkins, which we had boycotted for the last year and a half after rather awful service the last time we were there. Well, let's just say they are back on our boycott list. If I want my coffee lukewarm and 12 hours old, I can get that at home, thank you very much. Anyway, I'm not out to diss the local eating establishments, but I am thinking someone should start a pie and ice cream joint in the local region that is open at least until 10 PM. And yes, I also realize that I just complained about local eating establishments, but I'm just gonna let it. 

Not a log cabin; affectionately called "Kiss me Kate" Don't ask me. If we were looking for symbolism, it seems it would be more properly called "Hug me Kate". I didn't name it, but I do enjoy sewing these.

And this is a good mixture of the leftover blocks. 

She surrenders!! I'm not sure what, but she is all in. I took these to mom Tuesday evening pretty directly after I finished them and all Amber wanted to do was sit on them when I was showing them to Mom. I think she had the idea they were on a couch, but they weren't, she would go to sit and plop herself down on the floor. I know why babies wear pampers. Otherwise their little tooshies would be solid black and blue from all their falling and it would be highly suspicious for child abuse. I do realize there are other reasons for wearing pampers as well. 

And so there you have those projects. One of my other goals for 2016 was to do a Pinteresty-type project a month as well and that is also a little behind. I still have May's to do, though sometime in the last while I did do a grocery bag holder which would qualify for May. I also want to make a strap for holding cords in place, like when I wrap up the iron cord. 


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