Come With Me by Suzanne Eller

This was the first book I've read by Suzanne and it was worth reading.
The book is calling the readers to walk more closely with Jesus, to say yes when He says come even if it feels scary and uncomfortable.
"Where you are going is not as important as who you go with." says the back cover.
On a frame on my kitchen table are these words, "What can I do?" Those words are written there because I was reading this book and the challenge is to find the task that God wants me to accomplish. "It's not about the size of the serve. It's the willingness to do what He asks", says Suzanne. And I believe her. Right now, I do feel my calling is to be a mom and a wife, but I also think that calling is so much greater than I often make it. God wants me to be the best wife and mom I know how to be and this can call greater things from me than I want to willingly give. It requires sacrifice and a giving up of my lazy tendencies or selfish ambitions for the good of my family. It's ultimately putting God first and letting Him show me the areas that He wants me to change in or grow in or surrender to Him.
Another quote from Suzanne that I really like is "Standing strong doesn't mean you step on others." Ouch!! Sometimes, we think we are practicing tough love or or or when in reality we are just stomping people into the ground. I know I am way too guilty of this. Sometimes, it is necessary to speak the strong words, but sometimes it is necessary to just wrap people in mercy and love and show them the way rather than giving them a list of 101 ways to do it.
Suzanne talks about "Believing Big when You Feel Small". It's a surrender of our not-enough faith to God and letting Him fill us with the faith that we desperately want to have. It's trusting Him to fill the not-enough areas in our lives because we know He is enough.
The book was challenging for me to truly step out and go with God, trusting Him completely for the journey ahead. This is something I so want to do and I try, but I needed the push once again to make more of an effort and to make God the most important Person ever.
And ARC copy was given to me by Bethany House Publishers for the purpose of reading and writing a review. All opinions expressed are my own.
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