I can Post Something Other than Book Reviews

Good morning. It's 6:09 in the morning. I have more work to do than I am likely to get done if plans continue to hold as they are, but here I am blogging.  Why? I'm not sure, because I really don't have anything to say, but felt like I should post so you know I have a little bit of a life outside of reading books and writing reviews about them, though in all honesty that wouldn't be the worst kind of life to have.  Was that the right use of the word worst or should it have been worse?  Anyone?

On the subject of book reviews, the next one I post will be the worst (there is that word again) ever, I think.  I try to be nice on book reviews, but this one?  I will have to be creative.  I don't even want to finish it, but I think you are supposed to read the whole thing when you volunteer to blog about it. And my conscience will force me too and my curiosity to see if it gets better--which I'm pretty sure it won't.

I found these pictures online this morning and they amused me.

Then I also remembered that I had emailed these pics to my phone, so if you want to excuse my cell phone pics, here are some recent pics of the Amber girl.  She is still the joy of our lives even when she screams long and loudly when we are ready to go to bed. My conclusion of the problem, because she refused to tell us what was going on, was that she had a stomach ache and was also quite convinced that her mom was resolved to starve her and so she went crying off to dad who is always willing to give her food.  So after 2 rounds of bottle, she went off to sleep and slept for about 5 hours. Honest, I wasn't trying to starve her--I just felt that she shouldn't be that hungry considering the amount of time that had been spent over the previous five hours feeding her.

So, here is life from Amber's perspective:

I'm begging for boxing lessons, but my parents are old school, so I have to learn on my own. 

Really mom? You stuck me on the floor under this quilt and I'm just supposed to be okay with it, huh?

My cousin Emily has the nicest hand. It gives me happy dreams

This is my first smile that Mom captured on camera. Honest, I have more hair than this picture shows.  Mom even thinks I look like one of the little boys around here. (Gasp, but that's embarrassing)

And here is my cousin Emily's face. Everybody just dotes on me like I'm a princess or something. I'm trying to come up with a good strategy to keep that happening because I'm afraid eventually mom and dad will decide I have been spoiled enough and they might even start telling me no.  Mom tells me no sometimes when I'm fussing, but I just ignore her and she soon forgets about it. 

Well, I guess that's all the pics mom posted featuring me: so until next time, have a good life. 


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