Flash by Rachel Anne Ridge

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The Homeless donkey who Taught Me about Life, Faith, and Second Chances

Okay, so I have about 5 books to choose from and one of them is about a donkey.  Really? How interesting could a donkey book be and how in the world could a donkey teach life lessons? It somewhat intrigued me and seemed the best option available and so I picked Flash to read and review and boy am I glad I did.

Flash is a homeless donkey that just shows up at the Ridge's house one night when tensions were high and funds were low.  After searching for the owners with no success, Flash became a part of the family and taught Rachel some life lessons.  Flash was friendly, loyal and forgiving, except to the family dog, but even they made up before the dog died.  He did not like change and would destroy things that were changed in his barn.  He liked to supervise any going on in the barn as well and was always open for some TLC and treats.

What did he teach Rachel?  I could write a blog post on each lesson I think and I'm contemplating doing that or at least having a few more posts on these subjects.  Most of them were areas that I needed lessons in as well and so that is probably what made the book even more interesting.

1. Remember your name. Know whose you are.
2. Know where to find refuge. True sanctuary is found in God alone
3. Run with horses. The pursuit of excellence conquers fear.
4. Find your passion. Passion leads to purpose
5. Be a trailblazer. Persistence makes pathways for grace to follow.
6. Wear your donkey heart on your sleeve. A well-lived life is an authentic life
7. Stand where fruit is falling. The secret of abundance is in choosing gratitude
8. Be a service animal. You are made to serve in love.
9. Embrace change. Don't let fear of the unknown keep you from moving forward.
10. Make things right with others. Don't miss your chance to forgive, accept and love.
11. Your journey isn't about fixing donkey problems. It's about transformation.

Good stuff to be learned and reminded of in this book and I highly recommend it to anyone who is looking for lessons from a donkey.

This book was given me by Tyndale House for the purpose of reading and writing a review on it.  All opinions expressed were my own.


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