This and That

I wonder if I don't start about all my emails like that. Just sort of a non-commital way of saying I have no idea what I intend to say, but want to say something anyway.

It's been a while since I posted. We had a great camping trip, in spite of getting rained out. But hey, camping in a house with a real bed is my style of camping anyway. I might post pictures of it sometime.

I just spent a lot of time cruising the internet looking for cool blogs to follow. If I didn't click on yours, please do not take offense. I have a love of blogs that show room make overs and ideas of things to make for cheap. Not that I would ever actually get around to doing these projects, but I like to dream about the fact that I would.

Lately, I have been contemplating embarking on the task of a kitchen makeover. It looks big and it looks complicated and it looks like a lot of trimming involved, but I keep toying with the idea that if I save my pennies well, maybe I can tackle a small piece of it this winter at least. We'll see. I can imagine perfectly well that winter will come and go and the kitchen will still look the same. The excuse that seems to work perfectly is "I don't know how long we will live here and why put time and money into something that we will only live in for a short while after anyways." The rebuttal to that is, "Yes, but then I would know if I liked it or not." So until then, I will keep looking for cool makeovers for cheap that I could copy cat.

This last week was not a week I would want to redo ever again. Our lead pastor's wife died last Saturday of cancer and the funeral was Wednesday. Just sad. It was a pretty close family. The thing that has challenged me is what would people say at my funeral. They talked a lot about Elsie's love for her family, for the church, for her hobbies, etc. What would people say I love? I was also challenged by the way she found time for creative outlets in the midst of raising a family. She will be missed; pray for her family if you think of it. We know she is in a better place, but it doesn't seem fair to us to take her so young.

With that said, nothing else seems of any importance, so I think I will sign off.

Until next time.


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