On Love and Life and Living

It's been a little while since I've updated; I've been meaning to, but life goes on. Actually, now isn't the best time either as the book I would like to quote from is at home and I am at work, so I guess that part will have to be another post.

I've been reading this book called "Bold Love" lately and it's challenging. That's the book I wanted to quote from. He calls us to a higher standard of love than I live up to many times. I will see if I can give the gist of what he says. He says until we learn to forgive, we cannot truly love. He also brought out a point that stomps on my toes. We can not truly forgive until we are stunned into silence and awe over what Jesus sacrificed for us by going to the cross. I've known the crucifixion story from a toddler on up; but how many times do I sit and consider the agony and torture that Jesus went through. He died so I could live. Do I want to die now? No, but if I do, I want it to be quick and painless. I don't want to suffer even a little. Yet, he went through hours of physical suffering, plus the mental anguish he must have endured. His closes comrades, people who were supposed to be His friends, forsook and took off. They weren't going to risk being with Him. He also knew throughout His whole life what His end was going to be. He went through so much for me so I could experience peace, forgiveness and eternal life and yet I just move glibly through life accepting and yet almost ignoring His sacrifice. It is sobering to realize how callused I am. I want to truly love and to sincerely forgive and most of all to truly love Jesus and fully appreciate what He has done for me. I cannot comprehend all He went through, but in my limited understanding I can try to grasp and appreciate and stand in awe of His Supreme Sacrifice. So now my goal is to move forward and to love more fully because of His redemption in my life.

Life is short as we were reminded of again this week when a 19 year old girl from the Horning Church died unexpectedly. She hadn't been feeling well for a few weeks, but it was attributed to a tooth infection, but last weekend they took her to the hospital and by Monday she was pronounced brain dead and Monday evening they took her off of life supports. It reminds me to be ready at any time to die.

So this post is about 5 days later than when it was originally written, but I guess the thoughts are the same.


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