Until Our Time Comes by Nicole M Miller


This is Nicole Miller's debut novel and she did a great job. Combining her love of horses and World War II, she painted a picture about a part of the war that I never knew about. 

Adia Kensington loves horses, especially the Polish Arabian horses. She moved to Poland to work with them with dreams of taking some to the states to her own horse farm. She inherited this love from her parents, both of whom are deceased. I wish there was a little more information about them and even about Adia's growing up years. You gathered her parents died because of their espionage work, but you aren't totally sure and those questions are never answered.

For someone who doesn't love animals, I struggle to understand and appreciate the lengths Adia went to save the horses, and yet they were pure-bred horses of spectacular stock. They had faced decimation in World War I and Poland had worked hard to rebuild its stock only to have both the Russians and Germans come in and take them again. 

The story shifts back and forth between Brett Conway and Adia Kensington through the years of the war. As you can already imagine, the two have fallen in love, but......Brett has his job with the English army and Adia is sold out for the horses. 

While based on fictional characters, parts of the story are true. Germany did steal hundreds of horses and bring them together in an effort to create a super horse. Civilians did what they could to protect the horses and there was an impressive horse Wietz II that the fictional horse, Lubor, is based on. Nicole tried hard to capture the heart and culture of the Polish people in their fight to save the horses.

I really enjoyed the story. As I said, it was a facet of World War II I had no idea about. I also got a couple nonfiction books to add to my TBR to increase my understanding of this part of history. 

I received this book from Revell Publishing and was not required to write a positive review.  All opinions expressed are my own. 


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