A Castaway in Cornwall by Julie Klassen


Laura Callaway is an orphan that was sent to live in Cornwall. Here she finds the culture and people different from what she was used to and she struggles to fit in and feel accepted. 

She makes a hobby of looking for flotsam and jetsam along the shores where shipwrecks are quite common. I found the definitions of flotsam and jetsam interesting. Flotsam is goods floating on the sea where a ship sunk and jetsam is anything that was purposely cast out of the ship in hopes of saving the ship. She tried to find the owners of the things she found if it was at all possible. 

And one night she rescues a man who struggled to shore after a ship wrecked on rocks. But who is this man and is he really who he says is and can he be trusted? For the answers to that, you will have to read the book.

This book, while classified as historical fiction, is mostly fictional, but yet loosely based on things that could have happened in that era of time. Tom Parsons, a wrecker, was a real person though not much is known about him. There also was a church who was buried in sand and shipwrecks were common along the coastline and because not many people could swim back then, many people would die as a result of these shipwrecks. 

I also enjoy Julie Klassen's writings and try to read all her new books as they come out. Someday I am hoping to read all her backlist as well. They are well-written and often pretty thick and there is something satisfying about that combination.

I received this book from Bethany House via NetGalley and was not required to write a positive review.  All opinions expressed are my own. 


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