All That We Carried by Erin Bartels


I will read any book that Erin Bartels writes; I have enjoyed everyone of them. 

Two sisters, estranged for a decade decide to go hiking in the Porcupine Mountains. One sister is hoping for reconciliation, one is simply trying to get the other one to stop bugging her. One is a micro-manager, bossy big sister, one is just trying to gain approval and have a good time. One believes in nothing and one believes in everything. How is this hike going to go? And all-encompassing is the question, what happened ten years ago that cause the estrangement between the sisters?

I'm not going to tell you the answer to that question. In fact, I'm not going to tell you much more about the book, except this--it all went wrong. The hike was a disaster and the looming question is: if there is a God why did He let everything go wrong? And yet? There is an answer to that question by the end of the book-a life-saving answer.

How do I describe the book? I think it was life-changing for each sister as they came face-to-face with some of their fears and ideas and found them challenged and wanting. They were forced to confront the fact that God is good and that He does care. That is my take-away from the book. The one thing that I didn't like about the book is there wasn't an obvious salvation--there was just a mindset shift in both sisters. I would have enjoyed knowing that the sisters found God to be a personal Savior and that they pursued a life walking with Him. The book doesn't definitively answer that question, but it does give clues, it does point in the right direction. 

The question for me as I finish this book is this: are there things in my life that I am foolishly holding on to - grudges, unforgiveness, bitterness, revenge, false beliefs, etc. - that are holding me back from experiencing fullness of life? Are they making me need to micro-manage and control? What do I need to let go of to find true freedom? Thought-provoking and sobering questions, but so needed if we each wish to gain freedom. 

I received this book from Revell and was not required to write a positive review.  All opinions expressed are my own. And now I eagerly wait for the next book that Erin is writing. 


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