Yours Truly, Thomas by Rachel Fordham

This poor blog sits neglected and forlorn, a pretty direct correlation to my reading life right now. I knew the summer would be busy, I had no idea it would be this busy and I would have so little time to read. I am so far behind on my book reviews and it makes me quite sad and a little anxious even. But fall is coming and hopefully I'll be able to read just a bit more then.
But I did get this book read and am posting my review only one day late. Yours Truly, Thomas was a quick fun read based on an unusual premise. A clerk, Penny, at the Dead Letter Office in DC finds a letter from a heartbroken man out west and is determined to help him. You can already guess the ending of that story, but there's a few things to mine out of the story as well.
Penny's attitude is one thing that stands out here. She was raised as a rich man's daughter, but after her father died, something happened and she had to go to work to support herself and her mother and that is how she wound up working as a clerk. But you don't find Penny wrapped up in bitterness, in fact, she's hesitant to return to the rich lifestyle even when provided with an opportunity to do so. That is pretty impressive to me.
And then there's Margaret, the widowed boardinghouse owner, who's a bit meddlesome maybe, but very perceptive and kind and caring and you just can't help but love her.
And then there's Thomas, who has to let go of the past, forgive himself, and be willing to move on into the future with joy. He can't hang in the past because it robs him of joy and does nothing but make his life more miserable. He has learned from his mistakes and is willing and learning to change for the better.
I enjoyed the book. While predictable, it had a fun and unusual storyline and you can't help but love the people of Azure Springs, Iowa.
I received this book from Revell and was not required to write a positive review.
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