Embraced by Lysa TerKeurst

100 Devotions to Know God is Holding You Close
If you have read and enjoyed Lysa TerKeurst, then you will enjoy these devotionals. One hundred readings to remind you that God is there, not to help you feel good, but to help you handle life realizing that with God you can do anything. When you feel abandoned or rejected, Lysa reminds you that God is there and that you don't need to wallow in your rejection. In fact, you better stop and seriously consider whether the rejection is even real in the first place or whether you are just imagining rejection. Ouch, that can hurt, because none of us wants to believe we are imagining things, but I'm guessing we have all done it. The person who was trying to be kind and give you a break from a chore, but you took it that you just weren't good enough, yeah, those kinds of rejections that weren't meant that way at all.
That's what this book is about, seeing God, remembering that He is close, but not getting bogged down in unintended failures and rejections or any other number of things women can stress out over. I'm not really sure what else to say except buy the book and read it and absorb and let Jesus be Enough for you. I don't need to have everyone's approval, I only need One Person's approval and that One Person is God.
And now for a few quotes:
"Sometimes I feel more guilty for what I'm not than thankful for what I am." Ouch, how true is this. We play the comparison game and zero in on all the things we don't do right, instead of giving thanks for the talents we do have.
"I am not equipped to handle what they have, both good and bad." Lysa tells the story of when she was in middle school and admiring a beautiful girl she met at the Children's Theater and how she wished she could have long, slender dancing legs like this girl. But then the girl started experiencing pain and after a battery of tests received that dreaded diagnosis: cancer. We are only equipped to handle what we have, not what others have.
"Our God is big enough to handle our honest feelings." Yes, that is true and I'm so glad.
This is also a beautiful hardcover book with a ribbon marker. It begs to be given as a gift to that special person who needs some encouragement.
I received this book from Book Look Bloggers and was not required to write a positive review.
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