2018 Gratitude

"From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the LORD's name is to be praised." Psalm 113:3

Life had some dark moments in the last part of 2017: that feeling that life is overwhelming and unpleasant and nothing is going to get better. You lash out at your favorite people with the slightest real or imagined provocation and then spend the rest of the time apologizing and just trying to be quiet.  So as I pondered that and wondered if this was going to be the new normal, I reread 1000 Gifts by Ann Voskamp and I knew what I needed: gratitude.

So I am determined to make 2018 the year of gratitude, the year of 1000 gifts. I have done this before, the counting of gifts, but it's time to do it again. My notebook is out and there are four things listed already:
1. Bright sunshine reflecting in snow (despite the persistent minus zero degrees)
2. A new year (even better than Mondays)
3. Stillness (both kiddos were sleeping)
4. Dancing to the "Train Song." (as only a two year old can)

I want this to be the year of joy, the year of seeing the beauty around me, the year of giving thanks no matter what. It's easy so far, it's only January 2. I haven't gone anywhere, really. Nothing too much has happened to tax my goodwill.

The other "coincidence" if you want to call it that is that it seems my daily planner had a similar idea. The verse on the front of the planner says "Be glad in the LORD, and rejoice." Psalm 32:11  Now I will admit to never really paying attention to the verses listed each week in my planner, but as I leafed through this years, the theme seems to be joy, which to me goes right along with giving thanks.

And what a challenge this week's verse presents: to praise God All. Day. Long. Even if: the baby doesn't sleep much, the preschooler taxes my patience and is naughty, the husband is home late, I'm feeling crabby and sleepy and unmotivated. I am still called to give thanks and to praise. So let's do this thing.

And if anyone would like to join me, please comment below. While I may not post all of my gratitude list, I want to post a few every week, along with the verse of the week. Yes, I am thinking of doing some more regular blog posting again. Stay tuned.

And meanwhile I will listen to the two year old playing house. She has just proved her hardiness for northern Wisconsin winters, because her and her baby, lovingly named Goldilocks and the Three Bears, were sitting outside in the snow and they weren't even cold. :) :) :) I am finding it very interesting to sit and listen. She is diligently playing doll with the full force of her imagination.


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