Remember back then?

So way back in 2011, Dave and I had this conversation about pie. And the challenge went forth to make 50 pies, all different, no repeats. Well, I made it to the teens somewhere and I don't know what happened, but something did because that is where it stopped.

I made pie since then just not in an intentional manner to create 50 different kinds of pie. But the other week I tried a new pie crust. Believe it or not, it actually didn't really shrink much. That is amazing for me. It involved odd steps that I was not used to like freezing my shortening and grating frozen butter into the mixture, then refrigerating, then rolling out the crust and then refrigerating again. Line the pie with tinfoil and fill it with beans and back at a normal temperature for 45 minutes. All things I hadn't been doing, but you know what? I ended up with a very delicious pie crust that pleased me greatly. There was a small shrinkage, but not much.

That simple act reminded me once again of the Pie Challenge and I thought maybe I should attempt it again. This time with no time frame like one a week, but simply a challenge to make 50 different kinds over the course of the next who knows how long. Because frankly we don't need a pie a week. It's so hard on the waistline. And when attempts are being made to shrink said waistline, pie is the great evil opponent. So we will see how this goes. That being said, if anyone would like to come for pie, please feel free to let me know. I will make you one.

Pie number one was a Banana Cream and pie number two was a Peanut Butter pie made with instant chocolate pudding. I had never done that before, but it was quite delicious. So there are only 48 more pies to go. I am eager to try an apple pie recipe I saw and this time of year begs for pumpkin pie, so we will see what pie is next on the list.

In other news, this is Thanksgiving week. There are so many blessings to count. I realize all over again how blessed I am. I sat on my rocking chair last night at 10:00 snuggling the little man trying to get him to sleep and tried to seal into my heart the feel of him in my arms, the look in his eyes, the feel of his head under my chin. I know these days won't last long and so often I am focused on the next thing or on reading or or or and I forget to just sit and absorb and try to savor the moment. Even when or maybe especially when, I want to be in bed and he thinks it's too early yet.

Or as I sit on the rocking chair or go about my day pummeled with that all exasperating question of "Why". I don't know where Amber picked it up, I'm blaming her cousins, but we came home Sunday evening and the why question surfaced and it has surfaced over and over and over again. "Why is it getting dark?" "Why do I get hungry?" "Because God made you that way." "Why?" The other popular conversation at our house goes something like this:
Amber: What are we going to do tomorrow?
Me: Go to town.
Amber: What are we gonna do when we get home from town?
Me. Take a nap.
Amber: What are we gonna do after my nap?
Me: I don't know, we'll worry about that tomorrow.

A few minutes later:
Amber: What are we gonna do tomorrow?
Me: What did I tell you?

And if you haven't entered my giveaway yet, please go back a few posts and do so. The book is full of joy filled moments and I needed just that when I read it. I want to learn to see the joy in the moment, to remember the little things and to cherish them and to write about them. I think Dorcas has such interesting posts and stories, but if you really look at them closely, you see they are comprised of everyday happenings. The difference is, she chooses to notice them and enlarge on them and learn a truth in the midst of the everyday happenings. That is what I want to do to, but it takes purpose and intention.


  1. Oh dear. Amber's need to know everything happening in the future sounds so familiar it makes me want to groan! Allow me to inform you that it continues on when they're 3 and nearing 4. 😉 -Danae


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