Why God Calls us to Dangerous Places by Kate McCord

Not that long ago, I posted a review for the book Farewell, Four Waters, a novel based on truth about the work being done by aid workers in Afghanistan. This is another book by the same author. I don't know her real name, Kate is a pseudonym.
This book shares some of her experiences, but is more of a devotional/inspirational book that looks at why God would call people to go to dangerous places like Afghanistan or even inner city areas that are laden with crime. Some reasons she gives is because God went first to these areas, He loves these people so much, He wants to fill His table, and these people need to see and hear and touch a Christian. She says there are six common experiences that almost all Afghans share who have come to Christ. They have met a Christ-follower, they have read or heard a portion of Scripture through stories, radio programs, etc. They've experienced a dream or a vision in which God revealed Himself. That combination of experiences led them to count the cost. When they did become a Christian, they did so alone and usually in the dark. They experienced persecution, but if they remained faithful they would return to tell the story. These things often took place over years.
Another thing she brought out is how it affects families and friends and churches of people who are called to dangerous places. They are called to trust and walk through the dangerous places with the called, even if they never set foot in the dangerous land themselves. She used the example of Zebedee allowing his sons to walk with Jesus. How must he have felt, how must he have grieved the loss of his boys in the family business and yet you don't read that he held back.
She brought out the importance of surrendering all to God. God may not call me to a dangerous place, but He does call me to a surrendered life and what can I do to support those in dangerous places? It was a good thought-provoking book. At the end of every chapter, she has some really good questions to think on and journal about, often accompanied with Scripture to look up and read. The book is covered in Scripture, either quoted to or alluded to with footnotes directing you where to go.
This book makes me want to be a more committed Christian right here in my little town with my little family. No, it's not considered a dangerou place by any means, but I am still called to be committed wholeheartedly to God and to be faithful right here.
I received this book from Moody Publishers. I was not required to write a positive review.
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