Ready, Set, Find Christmas

Text and illustrations from Scandinavia Publishing House
This is a beautiful glossy hardback board book. Each double page has a few sentences telling the story of the birth of Jesus in very simple form on one side. The rest of that page contains pictures of objects you are supposed to find on the other side of the double page spread. I hope that makes sense. It basically is a spot the object book, with the birth of Jesus as the story.
Okay, before I make you all more confused than ever, let me just move on from the explanation. The book is beautiful. The pages have tabs that stick out featuring main characters of the story. Amber immediately wanted to look at the book.
The book is geared to young readers and I would agree. Upon looking at the book, I thought it would be perfect for Amber, it's a board book, sturdy, and a nice small size. But the objects can be pretty hard to find. Things like a bag or a rake or a water pitcher, etc. take a little looking. She can find some of the bigger objects like the donkey, but for the most part she won't enjoy the real purpose of this book for a couple years yet I would guess. In that respect, the childish design with it being a board book and all seems a little out of place with the age appropriateness of the objects that you are to be looking for, but I still think it would provide fun entertainment for the older ones as well. That was just my observation when critiquing the book.
I am pleased with the book and I think it is a book that Amber can grow into, first looking for the bigger, more obvious objects and then the smaller ones as she gets older.
This book was given me by Book Look Publishers. I am pleased to publish a review stating my honest opinion on the book.
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