A Month of Sundays by Paula Hartman
![A Month of Sundays: Striding Toward Spiritual Refreshment One Sunday at a Time by [Hartman, Paula]](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/61M6KKh8GFL.jpg)
Striding Toward Spiritual Refreshment One Sunday at a Time
A Month of Sundays provides food for the body as well as the soul. It offers thirty-one weeks of delicious Sabbath meals along with reflections on the need for true Sabbath rest. This book will leave you feeling spiritually refreshed, reconnected with your Creator, and at peace with yourself.
That is the book cover description.
I got this as an ebook which I often end up regretting. I like to hold a book in my hand, plus I feel like ebooks can tend to have a few more grammatical errors and misspelled words than a paperback. I don't know if that is really true or not, but this book did contain some minor errors like that.
Paula did have some good thoughts on rest and refreshing oneself on the Sabbath. While I don't necessarily agree with it being relaxing and refreshing to do my housework on Sunday, I can understand that for some people it is. And like the book description said there were menus with each chapter. The thing I liked about those was there were also calorie counts included, but I'm not very likely to go find an ebook to find a recipe I want to make, so while being nice to scan over when reading the book, the recipes will not be very practical to me.
I do think it is so very important to take that day of rest to rest and regroup and allow the Lord to work in our hearts and fill us with a sense of peace and refreshment.
This book was given me by Book Look Bloggers for the purpose of reading and writing a review. All opinions expressed are my own.
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