Deadly Encounter by Diann Mills and an Upcoming Giveaway

This is the second DiAnn Mills book I read and I don't think it will be the last one. She has an excellent way of writing, I think.
Stacy, the heroine of the story, happens upon a dead body, a military-grade drone and a dog that, unknown to her is carrying a deadly genetically modified disease. Alex and Ric are the FBI investigators assigned to the case. Of course, there is romance involved between Alex and Stacy and while that's part of the story, I don't consider it predominant and yet you can tell it definitely determines the course of actions taken by both Stacy and Alex.
Anyway, the story gets all tangled up in mysterious happenings, a hoax water threat, a shell company and people getting sick from the dog. One person I really like too is Whitt, a 12-year-old genius. It's hard for me to believe that someone that age could be that intelligent, but I think it can happen. However, he has dead-beat parents and Stacy is in process to gain custody of him. She loves him like a son. He has many emotional issues to work through and trust in God is one of the concepts he had a hard time buying into.
There was just a lot of healing in this book. Stacy's sister had died when Stacy was young and taking in Whitt helped her to heal from that grief. She had a broken relationship with her parents and that was healing by the book's end. Alex's belief in God was seeing a comeback to the faith of his youth. Whitt was seeing a counselor and dealing with the rejection of his parents who preferred alcohol and drugs to parenting.
I really enjoyed this book. And it just so happens that Tyndale sent out duplicate review copies of it and so keep your eyes open. If you would like a chance to win this book, there will be a giveaway coming up in the next few days.
This book was given me by Tyndale House for the purpose of reading and writing a review on it. All opinions expressed were my own.
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