A Treasure Concealed by Tracie Peterson

Product Details

This is the story of two people, a boy and a girl of course; the boy comes from an abusive father and a loving and God-fearing mother. While wealthy, his home was not a place of fond memories. The girl comes from a loving though gold-seeking father and an ailing, loving and God-fearing mother. She wants a permanent home where she can stay for years and the love of a good man. Both have been a embittered by life and neither one is sure that God is to be trusted. Through hard times and the unfailing example and memory of their mothers, they both come to a trusting relationship with God and accept Him to be a God of love and compassion,  a God they can rely on who does love them. And then, of course, they get married. You didn't expect anything else did you?

But, that being said, and it appearing like a chick flick, I like Tracie Peterson and I like her style of writing. Of interest, the girl's father was mining for gold and kept finding these pesky blue "balls" which turned out to be expensive sapphires that made up for the lack of gold they were finding.

I always like to find some inspirational thought to take away from a fiction book. This is one of them on whether or not God is disappointed in us for the our mistakes and our doubts. "So can you allow that God knew the doubts you would have? Can you believe that God knew long before this time of your life that you would make choices and decisions that were other than He wanted you to make?"..."Then how can God be disappointed in you? Disappointment suggests an unrealized expectation, and if God knows all, then how can He be disappointed?" The Reverend went on to say that God sorrows and grieves for His children and their mistakes, but He's not disappointed. I think this is true; it feels a little hard to separate the two and yet I believe that God does sorrow when we sin, but He doesn't love us any less, He's not going to reject us if we confess and repent.

This book was given me by Bethany House for the purpose of reading and writing a review. All opinions expressed are my own.


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