The Egyptians
One of the things I might do on my blog this year is talk about the various goals I have set for myself for 2016. I probably got a little carried away on goal setting, but so far I'm loving it.
I did realize yesterday, after feeling like a very bad mom, that I need to do some rearranging of my priorities. I'm not sure quite how that will work, but I'm going to work on it while still continuing on with my original goals. I think it's possible. It just requires me to be more intentional and disciplined. Oh, grrr!.
One of my goals for this year is to read through the Bible in a year. Likely there will be updates throughout the year as something I read strikes me and makes me want to share.
I just finished reading about the ten plagues and the Israelites leaving Egypt. The Egyptians have pursued them, but haven't died yet. That will happen tomorrow. But here's the thing: how dumb were the Egyptians? Reading the plagues, what was left of Egypt? The plagues had taken out a lot of Egypt's prosperity, it had to have. People were killed during the hail storm, then all the first born die. What is Pharoah thinking when he charges after the Israelites intending to bring them back? Wouldn't he have caught on by now that God really wanted His people out of Egypt and that it would be wise to let them go?
But then, what about us? I'm sure sometimes it seems like God has spoken plainly to us about what He wants us to do and we still try to sneak and connive and whine our way to a different ending. What happens? Nothing good. How much better to just have followed God in the first place.
The other thing right now is I"m rereading the book "Longing for Paris" by Sarah Mae. I had readt and reviewed it last July. It had struck a chord with me and I wanted to reread it and let it sink in and take root.
The chapter I read today was on adventure. What is your soul longing for? Adventure doesn't mean jetting off to Paris, though Sarah Mae really wants to go to Paris someday. Adventure can be as simple as perusing your town for the best croissant or going on a scavenger hunt with your kids. To me, in reading this chapter, adventure is awaiting me if I'm just willing to open my eyes to see it. It's taking time to do something out of the ordinary. It was passing out Thanksgiving breakfasts to the homeless for Sarah Mae. Maybe for me, it would be having the person I don't know very well over for coffee. That would be out of my comfort zone, but I think it would be a good thing to do. Am I going to do it? I don't know. The idea only just now popped in my head. My point is, adventure doesn't have to be selfish. The point is to be fully alive and aware of what's going on around you and then responding accordingly.
And finally, some joy moments of the last two weeks:
Because I'm forgetful and and unaware I don't have a picture for this, but coffee with two very good friends is definitely at the top of the list.
Watching Amber grow and develop and learn new things. Her utter delight at life.
Finishing a quilt with Mom. I can't show pictures here because it's a gift.

My 11 month old baby. She's not so little anymore and definitely not interested in posing for pictures anymore either. Though if she's in the right mood, she can ham it up for the camera. I have no idea how she has learned what a camera is.
I did realize yesterday, after feeling like a very bad mom, that I need to do some rearranging of my priorities. I'm not sure quite how that will work, but I'm going to work on it while still continuing on with my original goals. I think it's possible. It just requires me to be more intentional and disciplined. Oh, grrr!.
One of my goals for this year is to read through the Bible in a year. Likely there will be updates throughout the year as something I read strikes me and makes me want to share.
I just finished reading about the ten plagues and the Israelites leaving Egypt. The Egyptians have pursued them, but haven't died yet. That will happen tomorrow. But here's the thing: how dumb were the Egyptians? Reading the plagues, what was left of Egypt? The plagues had taken out a lot of Egypt's prosperity, it had to have. People were killed during the hail storm, then all the first born die. What is Pharoah thinking when he charges after the Israelites intending to bring them back? Wouldn't he have caught on by now that God really wanted His people out of Egypt and that it would be wise to let them go?
But then, what about us? I'm sure sometimes it seems like God has spoken plainly to us about what He wants us to do and we still try to sneak and connive and whine our way to a different ending. What happens? Nothing good. How much better to just have followed God in the first place.
The other thing right now is I"m rereading the book "Longing for Paris" by Sarah Mae. I had readt and reviewed it last July. It had struck a chord with me and I wanted to reread it and let it sink in and take root.
The chapter I read today was on adventure. What is your soul longing for? Adventure doesn't mean jetting off to Paris, though Sarah Mae really wants to go to Paris someday. Adventure can be as simple as perusing your town for the best croissant or going on a scavenger hunt with your kids. To me, in reading this chapter, adventure is awaiting me if I'm just willing to open my eyes to see it. It's taking time to do something out of the ordinary. It was passing out Thanksgiving breakfasts to the homeless for Sarah Mae. Maybe for me, it would be having the person I don't know very well over for coffee. That would be out of my comfort zone, but I think it would be a good thing to do. Am I going to do it? I don't know. The idea only just now popped in my head. My point is, adventure doesn't have to be selfish. The point is to be fully alive and aware of what's going on around you and then responding accordingly.
And finally, some joy moments of the last two weeks:
Because I'm forgetful and and unaware I don't have a picture for this, but coffee with two very good friends is definitely at the top of the list.
Watching Amber grow and develop and learn new things. Her utter delight at life.
Finishing a quilt with Mom. I can't show pictures here because it's a gift.
My 11 month old baby. She's not so little anymore and definitely not interested in posing for pictures anymore either. Though if she's in the right mood, she can ham it up for the camera. I have no idea how she has learned what a camera is.
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