Fire and Ice by Mary Connealy

This completed the Wild at Heart Series, I think so anyway. That is the main reason I went with this book was to have the complete series. It's the story of the oldest Wilde sister, Bailey. It's a fairly predictable story. Bailey is pretending to be a man so she can homestead her claim in the West. She homesteads over the mouth of a canyon that has excellent grazing fields because this gives her cattle a good spot to graze. This causes fights with Gage Coulter who owns the canyon, but can't access it without going over Bailey's property. He finds another way in, yada yada. Anyway, they marry because he needs a wife and eventually find love together.
It's an interesting enough story, but there is zero depth. God is mentioned a few times, but almost like an after thought. "Wait, this is supposed to be a Christian book. I better mention God and prayer quick here at the end before I finish the book." It almost would have been better in my mind to have left God out of it completely rather than put Him in almost like an afterthought. But the application for me here is this: how many times do I treat God like an afterthought in my own life? Once I come to the end of my day or the end of my rope, than I say, "God, can you help me?" or "God, I'm glad you're around when I need You."
God needs to be front and center of my life and my focus as I go throughout my day. I know this is a bunny trail, but it is what struck me when I wrote the line about God being an afterthought for the book.
I did enjoy the book--it doesn't rank in the top 10 list or anything, but it made very light, easy reading.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from Bethany House Publishers in exchange for my reading and reviewing this book. All opinions expressed are my own.
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