Your Sacred Yes by Susie Larson

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Trading Life-Draining Obligation for Freedom, Passion, and Joy

I'm starting to feel like I want to quit reading books for the sake of writing reviews and getting free books.  I'm not serious, but the last two books have hit me between the eyes and then stomped on my toes.  I just wish I was able to retain a small fraction of what I read and what sticks out to me.

I really am not sure how to even describe this book: Your Sacred Yes. I just recommend getting yourself a copy and reading it.  I'll loan you mine if you're close enough.  In my words, the gist of this book is to look to God and let Him direct what you say yes to and what you don't.  God may call you to spend this season of your life resting in Him and that is okay. It doesn't matter what others think of you for not doing more outwardly where people can see.  If you are saying yes only because of peer pressure, you will wear yourself out and not be able to serve God as effectively as if you are listening to Him and resting in Him.  On the other hand, He may have called you to a season of busyness, but in that He will give you the strength and insight to do it well and to bring glory to Him.

This hit me because of where I'm at in life and in needing to give up things that I was enjoying, but also felt I needed to keep doing because others are still doing it. I realize that I also avoided saying yes to God and now have more things to work through then if I would have said yes promptly.  A big thrust of the book is to be in tune with God, read His Word, yield to the Holy Spirit and above all remember God loves you and will be with you and give you strength to say Yes and grace and mercy when you say Yes too late.

This is a little of what I said in the last paragraph, but when you are saying yes to God, you can't be thinking about other people and what they might be thinking of you.  There is a self-discipline in controlling your thoughts that must come into play as well.  This is just a surface glance at the book.

I'll finish with a quote from Susie's first chapter entitled: "Caution: Danger Ahead Say Yes to God's Wisdom".

"Though God calls us to live full, abundant lives, He doesn't run us ragged or ask us to grind our gears to the point of breakdown. We can trust Him to know what's best for us. If we don't practice a measure of restraint when it comes to all of our time commitments, if we don't say no to continual and perpetual busyness, we'll say yes to it by default and leave ourselves vulnerable as a result. Our human nature and our culture are powerful forces that compel us to commit to more than God asks of us. At some point, we have to humbly embrace this truth about ourselves: We all have our limits. "

This trust: this is what I need to learn.

This book was given me by Bethany House Publishers for the purpose of reading and writing a review on. All opinions expressed are my own.


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