
I just looked at my last few posts and realized they have all been book reviews.  I thought I was updating a bit better than that, but oh well.

I do love my free books though.  Currently I have two more books to read/finish reading and write a review about.  The last book was a children's book and approximately 45 minutes after the book was delivered to my door, I had posted a review and ordered my next book.  Now if only I could do them all that fast.

The sun is shining brilliantly today.  It's so pretty.  There is a very light dusting of snow on everything and so it all shimmers and glitters.

I'm thinking of writing a book called "The Four Month Labor", detailing random things, but mostly addressing the horrors of  months worth of Braxton Hicks.  Actually, I'm not sure if I should call them horrors or just life with Braxton Hicks, because as long as they did nothing, they were just mildly annoying.

While spending large quantities of time sitting on a chair would not be everybody's cup of tea, I really didn't mind it.  I had an online job, book work, books to read, etc. etc and really didn't even do everything I could have done while sitting on my chair. I do wonder how women do it without the Internet though, because I also know I wasted copious amounts of time surfing.

Tomorrow is my first official day off "limited activity". I have plans to huff and puff my way through a fairly thorough housecleaning.  And if you are prone to laughter, I have only this to say to you-- sit on a chair for 10 weeks, doing virtually nothing but climbing the stairs 10 to 100 times a day; then get up, put a basketball weighing about 15 pounds in front of your stomach and get to work.  Just saying.

I have been tempted to complain many times during this pregnancy, okay I have succumbed to that temptation a few times as well, but I have to remember how blessed I am as well.  I honestly am not sure how women have a dozen children, but I am grateful to have made it this far with one.  When I think of those who cannot have children or have stillborns, I am convicted for every crabby moment I have.  I always said if I could carry a baby to term, I wouldn't complain and yet how human and carnal I am.

The baby now has a place to lay her head when she arrives.  That was becoming a mild concern for me, but thanks to my mother getting the foam and covering it with waterproof material and me sewing a small cradle sheet for it this morning, it is ready.  It also has a brand new blanket made just for the cradle by my mother.  I do hope the baby won't lose her fashion sense just because her mother didn't think far enough ahead to make sure the flowers ran up and down the sheet instead of sideways. I will forever blame myself if she does; I think I have just come up with Guilt trip #1 for mother to have.

My next project for this afternoon is a changing pad.  This is my china baby remember and I will NOT be laying her down on those ICKY changing tables at the public restrooms without having something nice and reasonably clean to place her on first.  Of course, I probably cut it so narrow, her arms and legs will thrash off the sides, but we will try it once.  At least it will be small for my purse!

Well that was enough randomness for now.  Duty calls and I need to head off into the sunlight to follow it.


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