More Things to be Grateful For

As I sat here this morning thinking up another post on the benefits of limited activity, I thought why not do a daily post on things in my life I have to be grateful for?  This is the Thanksgiving season after all and I for one could sure use a dose of Thankfulness each and every day of my life.  I'm not making any promises on whether I will actually manage a daily post, but if ever I have the time, it would be right now.

So my first post is going to be the "Blessings of Limited Activity"

I've been a little sad that I won't be able to go Black Friday Shopping.  It has been a tradition the last five years, I believe, to go shopping in the early hours of the morning with my co-workers.  I knew this year was going to be different because we don't live in the same area anymore.  I hadn't completely given up hope of being able to go with the same group of people, but I wasn't counting on it. However, I was still planning to go somewhere in the early morning hours of Black Friday.  But I have given that up and it makes me sad.  It's not the benefit of all the good deals scored; it's simply the fun of getting up at crazy hours, bucking the crowds (which have seriously diminished over the years thanks to the whole Black Thanksgiving? shopping, which is a whole other post in itself because I think it's a despicable practice),  laughing at other people's impatience and all capped off with a lovely breakfast out at the end of the shopping experience sometime between 8 and 9 in the morning usually.

Anyway, continuing on to the gratefulness part of it: I realized that with not being able to go to work right now and being more housebound than I have ever been in my life, I likely wouldn't need Black Friday anyway.  I thought I "needed" a new coat and maybe a new pair of boots, but hey, who needs a coat and boots in the house?  So, $100 saved.  I also won't be attending many parties and such like, so no additional gift buying will be necessary--more money saved.  Going out to eat has been somewhat hampered--another $30-40 a time saved.  Look at all of the money we are saving by my staying home.  Perhaps there will be more people begging their doctor for similar orders.  With as cold as this winter has been already, I don't have to go out and brave the elements at 3:00 in the morning; instead I will sit on my lovely recliner and punch buttons and do all my Black Friday shopping from the comfort of my heated house.  Maybe I will drink a cup of Spiced Apple Cider from Miller's Market while I do it too.  And then when the angst of shopping for a good deal is over, I can lay back and take a nap or I can get up and scrapbook.  Of course, I will have to make sure I have somebody to tell about all my good deals I secured online.  Who knows?  Maybe I will turn into an online Black Friday shopper?

I just want to know one thing: they call it Cyber Monday--so are the best deals online going to be on Monday or Friday?  That is important to me because in the scope of being grateful, I want to gratefully accept the best deals offered by the best stores on the best day.

Now, I do want to acknowledge one tiny little thing before I end this post:  I realize that if our winter this year is anything like last year it will be a frightfully cold one and I also realize that about the middle to end of January at the latest, I am going to get my walking papers.  At that point and time, it will be determined if I really do need a new coat and boots or not.  If I do, I should maybe buy them now when I can score good deals, don't you think?  :) :)   I can be very persuasive in my arguments.  However, the new boots I want would involve lovely little heels on them and I'm not sure at that point in my life, that would be such a good idea.  Man, I hate practicality.  Okay, you need not be bothered by the further thought processes that I go through when deciding on what purchases to make.  I will tell you this much: it can be so incredibly painful!!!!

Farewell to all:

What are you thankful for today?


  1. I'm sorry about the limited activity thing. :/ While it can be partly fun to be 'lazy', I know it can get old too. online shopping is very fun tho. :) I almost shop online as much as in town. have fun with your new coat! ;)

  2. oh. i'm thankful for little baby kicks this morning.

  3. oh dear, Aurelia! I didn't realize you are kind of down at home. What EVER is Miller's Market doing without you? I wish you all the best. I can only imagine how tiresome the limited activity list gets after a time. I think I would LOVE it for a few days.

    I enjoyed reading your last 3 posts. I struggle with the taste of venison. The boots with heels will work next winter. Go for it. :) And I'm thankful today for Saturdays.


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