At Peace in the Storm by Ken Gire

This book was given to me by Bethany House Publishers for the purpose of reading and writing a review.

This was an amazing book--partly because it was so timely for this place in my life right now.  When I requested this book from Bethany House as the one I wanted to review, I thought it might be applicable and it certainly was.

He has 13 chapter dealing with different places to find peace:
Peace through Perspective
Peace through Prayer
Peace in the Hospitable Art of Listening
Peace through Friends and Strangers
Peace from God's Word
Peace in and through Music
Peace through Deep Rest
Peace through the Body of Christ
Peace from a Balanced Brain
Peace from Insightful Books and Movies
Peace Through Serving Others
Peace in God's Creation
Peace through Recreation

Some of the places to find peace seem obvious and some might raise the question of Really?  I can find peace there?  Strangers--how can I find peace when I am surrounded by people I don't know? But I think I can say that I have witnessed this in my own life.  Surrounded by caring hospital staff, there is a peace that knows you are in good hands even if the hands are unfamiliar ones.

Peace has also come through prayer--not even prayers I have prayed, but prayers that have been and continue to be prayed for me by others.

Peace, of course, through God's Word.  Just a simple one-liner can stick with you and bring great comfort. One of those one-liners for me lately has been from Isaiah.  This isn't verbatim, but goes like this:  He will carry the lambs in his arms, holding them close to his heart"  This verse blessed me so much.  Now, it's verses about God holding me in his arms and being my refuge.

Peace through a Balanced Brain was a new one for me, but Ken explained the theory of ADD or depression, etc where the brain is not working properly and how it can be very upsetting to the rest of life.  That really makes a lot of sense.

So many of the things Ken talked about made so much sense and I can really relate to and yet so often we would discount them as being Un-Christian to find peace in those places.  Peace through recreation?  Really?Absolutely!!!  I can feel rested and at peace when I take the time to sit down and do something I enjoy or after going on a walk.  Is it an "I'm saved and I'm a Christian because of this" kind of peace? Not necessarily, but neither do I think it should be discounted as an invalid way of maintaining peace.  If your mind and soul is not at peace, you will not be able to function in a profitable and fitting manner.

What I am trying to say is that you should be very slow to discredit this book by looking at the chapters and thinking that he is off on his teachings.  I would highly recommend this book--it blessed me in so many ways and there was so much truth to the things he had to share.


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