Odds n Ends Snippets n Snappets

It's a slow day in the life of the little country clinic.  Everybody must be working frantically to get all their hay in before possible rain.  It's funny, really, how we always have a reason for a slow day.  Either it's too nice to go to the doctor, or it's too rainy or whatever.  Always a reason.  :):) A slow day every now and then is nice though, really.  Nobody wants to answer the phone either, it seems, because my inbox is full of people who don't answer their phones..

I hope nobody minds my small rants on here about life and how you should behave at the doctor's office.  Unfortunately, I don't go through the list each time I go on here to see what has been ranted about previously, so if I repeat myself, just bear with me and chalk up to early-onset dementia.

Speaking of dementia, I bet you were all expecting a big rant to come up.  Well, it would have, but right now I can't think what I wanted to rant about anymore.  Sad, isn't it?  I really need to do better at remembering these things.

Also speaking of dementia, I probably am at risk for it now, because in a little under 2 hours, I will be entering the 3rd decade of my life.  This is somewhat sobering to me, because I feel like I accomplished so little in the last decade.  Yes, I did:
- Go to school and graduate as a RN
- Have worked for almost 5 years as a RN
- Have helped deliver over 60 babies
- Gotten married to a wonderful man and attempted to keep house and garden for him
- Traveled to Grenada, Belize, and Morocco
- Done a bit of in-state traveling
- Done a few sewing projects
- Started an (as of yet unsuccessful) Etsy store
- Had some wonderful times with my lovely friends

But it feels so insignificant in a way.  Like I should be doing more and there are so many more things I want to do in my lifetime.  What am I doing for God?  Am I making a difference for Him in any way?  Am I growing in my walk with God?  Am I a more confident and structured and stable individual than I was 10 years ago?  So many questions, and while I am starting to feel a little older.  I am pulling out more and more gray hairs.  (I only pull out those that stand straight up and obviously yell, "Look, I'm gray", and only if I can do it quick before D catches me at it. I guess pulling out hair equates with picking at pimples in his book.)  I want to make better use of my time, and if I really mean that then I should stop spending so much time on the Internet.  Lately I have become somewhat addicted to collecting as many swagbucks as I possibly can.  My next big purchase I want to make with them is either a camera or a computer, I think.  If you don't use swagbucks already sign up through me.  It's a simple way of searching web and winning bucks to buy gift cards with.

We just got a printer.  After being without one for over a year, we finally can print again.  I am so thrilled, because for this stingy miser, it's quite a nice printer.  It's wireless, (a requirement because our computer has zoned out on working USB ports, the reason we didn't have a printer anymore.), it's connected to the internet, has it's own email address, and has some handy dandy little apps for scheduled printing.  But, possibly I am quite behind the times and you all have much fancier and more skilled printers than this, but hey, I get excited about the little things in life.

Why don't we make New Year's resolutions on birthdays instead of the new year?  I want to resolve to do a bit better at keeping the house picked up.  I did real good for about a week or two following Fly Lady's suggestions to spend 2 minutes a day cleaning up the clutter site and also cleaning your bathroom every morning before you leave it.  But then that phase passed and I am left with the bittersweet memory of how nice it was to always have a nice clean bathroom and to have the catch all cupboard cleared off on a regular basis.  So I am now resolving to get back into this routine once again.

For the first time in a while, I am delighted to be on the food committee.  We have an all-day weeding at our church's strawberry patch and I am happy about the time I will be able to take off to get lunch ready and then to clean up afterwards.  I am somewhat looking forward to the weeding itself, but I know that I am very out of shape and will be very tired long before I should be.  Plus, I know the female gender may be somewhat sparsely represented there as well and that isn't as much fun then either. But hey, who am I to complain.  I always want exercise.  I did tell D that we need to go to Subway afterwards.  We have 2 free 6" subs coming our way anyway, and I am quite sure I will probably barely be moving, much less feel like making supper.

Tonight, we are going to our favoritest restaurant and I am excited.  An evening out and not being on call to boot.  Nice.

Well, I better move on to something more profitable, such as surfing the web.


  1. Happy Birthday and hope you had a great supper!!! Looking forward to seeing you all Sunday.


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