Pies, PG tests, and Practical Life

I can see you all now, you are frantically scoping out this post to see what pertinent informtion you can possibly find that relates to the title. HA HA!!! Good luck!!! I was just looking for a title that started with the same letter, or wasn't I? I guess you will have to read on and find out.

Pies 11 & 12 were accomplished over the weekend, but I forgot to take any pictures of them.
I made an Apple Custard Pie from Taste of Home and a good old Banana Cream Pie. Both were quite delicious in my opinion. I'm not a big apple pie lover, but D is and so I make them and normally like them. I just don't crave them. Okay, enough explanation on that.

Life in the Clinic has been high energy lately. It's been one pain in the ear after another. But there have some humorous/interesting moments as well. I always like to be careful on here in case someone would stumble on this blog that would know the people I am talking about. So I will just phrase two questions. If you had numerous negative pregnancy tests would you call and set up a prenatal appt? How would you explain the fact that you had a positive pregnancy test 1 week after you got married? Is that possible if you behaved and everything? I'm just asking. Did you new husband get more than he bargained for when 2.5 weeks after marriage you are flat on the couch with morning sickness? Does it come that fast? I am not trying to be critical, I don't know how soon you can be attacked with morning sickness--I have it a lot.:) :) Mine is of the more sporadic nature and generally has something to do with when I ate the night before!!!!
One more question or maybe two: how do you kindly tell a mother that it would be good to keep her small son in the exam room with her until the doctor comes in rather than the nurse noticing him trying the door out on the other exam room? How do you keep the smell of 2 badly soiled pampers from permeating through the whole building?

Practical living: We are having Revival Meetings right now. Dennis Martin from MN. Good, Good, Good. I was challenged last night with being a person of the "towel". We like that reputation. We like to be known as the Mennonites that come together and help people in crisis situations, but what does are towel look like. Do we like our towel looking nice and sharp and white so it contrasts nicely with our black suit and looks good to those looking on or are we willing for our towel to be used and ragged because we have been using it to help those around us. That was a challenge for me. I don't like being a servant much. Oh sometimes I do. Sometimes I think, "Okay today, I am going to serve. I am going to be cheerful and do things willingly for D and just really be happy." Then 9:00 AM comes and I am in the middle of a project and don't feel like getting his wallet or going out for lunch with someone or making a meal for the new baby's family. Then my towel stays nice and clean and I feel good sort of because I have my nice towel. It really challenged me. There are such blessings in serving and helping those around you both to yourself and to those you help. That's where the true happiness comes in giving and serving those around me.

Well, today is beckoning. Even though spring seems to be evading us this year. There was snow noted to be falling this morning, I believe I will continue my hunt for summery foods to eat. That way when I have my bushel of zucchini, I have cool menus to use them in instead of making the same things over and over and over again.


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