Change of Plans

So life or babies have a way of turning your plans upside down. I had been struggling to get enthused about making food for our church fellowship meal tomorrow. Finally, thought I had it narrowed down to a hotdish concoction of meat on the bottom, then some sliced potatoes, cheese sauce, then veggies and then cheese across the top. You know it's a requirement for all good church hotdishes to have cheese on them. Anyway, this was my own made up thought because everything I wanted to make needed the oven and our group at church has a tendency to do oven dishes and then we run out of oven room. So that was going to be the main dish and then I was going to make a Coconut Cream Meringue Pie and a Old-Fashioned Custard Pie in keeping with my pie tradition.
But instead, I am here at work. The roasts that I put in the crock pot this morning are at home merrily cooking away and I am just hoping they are not burning to a crisp or drying out to some chewy leather. The Pies? Well, I don't know. I had changed my mind about the pies because I realized I couldn't put anything in the oven because I didn't know when I would have to go to work. So I bought some stuff and was thinking of making Pink Lemonade Pie. But who knows? I never made it home yet. It's 2:30 in the afternoon, the lady is in the very early stage of labor and doesn't want any unnatural assistance. So maybe we will just come home for lunch tomorrow because I won't have gotten anything made. Now, if someone would bring me a pie plate, some graham crackers, and a recipe; maybe I could make the Pink Lemonade Pie. I have 2 cans of concentrate and 3 cool whips here. What kind of dessert could I make with that? I suppose there won't be any fresh frozen yogurt or pizza for supper either at this point.

Now, I realize that last paragraph sounded rather whiny; I don't mean it to. This is my life and I love it. I enjoy helping bring babies into the world. Granted, I would like to do it on my time table rather than this more unknown time schedule; but this is what I have chosen and I will enjoy it. Time and a half, after all.

How involved is God in the little things? By a random notion, I suggested to Dave that we do Subway for lunch. I had to go to Marshfield to take some lab work into the clinic there; we caught lunch in Spencer and as I was getting gas I got the call to come to work. I was much closer this way and I also got a good meal in. Dave is also working this afternoon, so we aren't missing quality family time. And God is a Great Provider.

Speaking of family time: we don't really have any anymore. I work day shifts like normal people; at least I normally do. Dave works evenings from 6-10. I'm about falling asleep til he gets home about 10:30 or 11. We speak a few words and then fall asleep; dragging myself out in the morning in time to leave for work at 8. If I am really industrious, I will even make breakfast. This isn't every night, but about 3-4 out of a week. While being very grateful that Dave has work, the evenings can get just a bit long by the time 9 or 9:30 comes around.

Okay, well I suppose I better move on to a new project before everyone gets tired of reading this long epistle. Almost wish I would have brought my book, but I suppose I can try to finish reading a profitable book I have here to read that would potentially assist me in my nursely duties.

Farewell to you all and hope your afternoon is lovely.


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